Sunday 2 March 2014


One thing I've always seemed to struggle with is coping on my own. I'm a very family orientated lady. My parents used to do almost everything for me - they were too good to me growing up! I never had to do my washing, wash up after meals, hoover my room or any sort of chores like that to be honest. I would sit on my arse for hours on end.

When University came into the equation I thought I wouldn't stand a chance having to get by with no one there, especially moving 140 miles away from Leicester to Southampton, but do you know what? I've done pretty damn well, and I am loving having to finally do things for myself. I can cook, clean, do my own washing and do a food shop on a budget. I no longer take things for granted and I think University has changed me for the better.

Homesickness was a real worry when I first moved down here last September - I thought I wouldn't have been able to last a week without seeing someone from home! But I made friends quicker than I could have ever imagined and have even bought a house with them for next year. I jumped right in at the deep end by going out with these strangers on the first night of me arriving and unpacking and had the best time. I'd class these strangers as my best friends now. You support each other through the good times and the bad because, well, we're all each other has got!

I wouldn't change my University experience for anything so far and believe that choosing to go to University has been the best decision I've ever made.

I can't wait to get even more stuck in with my course in my second year of Magazine Journalism! I'm finally focusing on a subject I love and have learnt so much about the world of magazines which has been a huge eye opener to a magaholic like me.

My advice if you're tossing up the idea of University or heading straight into a job at the end of sixth form or college? Get yourself out there to a Uni with great nightlife, nice halls and a fantastically interesting course for you and grab hold of the independence! It'll totally change your life (for the great).
