Friday, 23 May 2014

Follow My Blog With Bloglovin

Quick post!

Just letting you know that I've finally got my Bloglovin' account up and running to start networking with more people. So get following me on there to get updates of when I've published a new post.

I will follow anyone back who does so :-)

(Just click on the title of this post to take you to my follow page)

Thanks a lot


Thursday, 22 May 2014

Success Is The Best Revenge

A broken heart sucks, it's a big pile of poo and makes you feel like the end of the world is upon you. I'm sure we've all experienced this feeling at one point in our lives. Even if it wasn't over your tool of an ex, but over a family member, friend or pet passing, your favourite band splitting up (I'm still not over the Busted and S Club 7 splits) or even missing out on an opportunity like a job or holiday. 

However, my most recent heartbreak was due to an absolute imbecile of a male human being. Like every instinct reaction, I took to demolishing boxes of tissues, chocolates and many re-runs of box set series. But I discovered that moping around feeling sorry for myself and constantly checking up on his Twitter and Facebook feeds to find the littlest thing to result in me getting even more upset wasn't doing anything but turning me into an unsociable mess. 

I was scrolling through my Instagram one night and saw a quote that stated "Success is the best revenge". Ever since this appeared, it really did stick in my mind and those few words gave me the motivation to get my arse into gear and start turning my life around. I applied for a dozen summer jobs since I'm back home now from completing my first year at University (and even better, away from that idiot). I've applied for a few placements of work experience at magazines which will help to build up my CV and will give me more confidence in succeeding in my degree of Magazine Journalism. I've spent time with my friends from home who don't even know of the douche (which is a great distraction to wanting to mope around!) making the most of the sunshine with day trips and nights out in the city. I've even been having a lot more bonding time with my parents as we've had movie nights in and my mother's taken me on many girly shopping trips (always the best).

I've also finally taken it up on myself to change my lazy Uni eating habits and am putting our family's exercise bike and treadmill to good use! I am being a lot more cautious with calories and am eating meals and snacks that will benefit me in losing that extra bit of weight that I've been wanting to budge for years. And you know what? I'm getting results and I feel great.

The best way to get over heartbreak really is to DO YOU. Success when it comes to careers, studies, healthy lifestyles and most importantly inner happiness will radiate out and smack any low lives who ever entered your world right across the face.

Always remember: 

Have you ever gotten your heart broken? How did you get out of the dumps? Let me know! And if you're currently going through a break up, I hope I've inspired you to finally think about putting a smile back on your face by making a change in your life.

Much love
